LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Long time no see

Wow, did I ever fail at that haha... I just looked back to my last post on here which was from August 2012 and the last thing I said was "Hopefully my next post will not take near as long to make!" well it was just a tad longer :S

Anyways to sum up my last attempt at weight loss till now here it goes:

Started doing couch to 5k, had fun loved running/jogging, learned the hard way how important stretching is by getting Achillies tendonitis. Took a break to let it heal, went away for the August long weekend with intentions to start my couch to 5k when I got back, instead even though I had a blast on our trip, I got really sick starting the last night, came home had a nap went to the hospital ended up with I.V. fluids and a whole bunch of blood tests and what not, told I had phnemonia, put on antibiodics. Week later went for follow up was doing not too bad, found out I had actually had Phenmonia, bronchittis, and plurisy. Next day was back in the hospital because I could not stop coughing, found out I still had it all! Back on antibiodics with killer side effects. By time I was 100% better and able to start running again, the weather was crappy and raining all the time! I gained back the small amount of weight I had lost and was dissipointed!

Got a new job in October as a baker at Tim Hortons, thought oh great, now I am going to put on more weight due to eating free donuts... but because of the physical work involved and seeing donuts so much you do not really want to eat them as much, I actually lost maybe 5 or so lbs!!!

So now I am 180 lbs, no where near my goal weight, want to start something! I was told by a co-worker about this HcG diet that worked for her, so I looked into it and it looked as though I would need daily injections, and my instant thoughts were "nope, forget about that". Then my neighbor came over and she has lost a lot of weight recently and I asked her how she did it... Guess what diet she did. Thats right the HcG diet, so I asked her about the injections and she told my that they do that in the USA, but in Canada you take these drops and told me where I could get them.

So the next day I went on a mission to go get these drops!

I am excited about this! I have talked to a few more people who have done it and it worked for all of them. None of them deny that it is tough, but it works!

I have done my two "fat loading" days which are phase one and now I am on the second day of Phase two the "VLCD" (very low calorie diet). I am going to try my best and update here everyday of my food diary and whatnot!

Here I am hoping for the best!!!

I will update later today my food journal from the last few days and today, but right now  I have to get ready for work! Off i go to my friday!! Here I come sorta weekend haha

For more info on the HcG diet, go to:

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