LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, July 30, 2012

lost track off time...

Oops... I honestly meant to post something a day or two after my last post, but totally lost track of my days!

Well I think that I am going to have to start almost all over again with my couch to 5k... I am still bearly able to bear weight on my ankle, I think I have over done it with trying to help with things around home, for instance, we are putting a roof over the deck, and so I have been painting a lot of lumber for that. Also, there is no good way to bend or squat when you have Achilles tendonitis, and it is so simple to not even think of it before you have squatted to far to pick something up!

I am really disappointed that I have been basically out of commission workout wise for just over a week now, but I am totally not willing to rupture or tear my Achilles tendon... nope don't want to go there! So my plans for 90% of this week are to rest my ankle and not continue to over do it any more.

This upcoming weekend I am going to be going on a 4x4ing trip with my dad and a couple of his friends... this should be interesting! I have been told that there may be swimming included on this trip, and possibly in some hot springs, well I love swimming (but deathly afraid of water... I know weird right) and I have never experienced hot springs but ave always wanted to... this is my #1 reason I am not being dragged on this trip against my will haha! So the swimming might help my ankle and get me back into workout mode or something! I know I am anxious to start my couch to 5k again... I actually really miss it!!!

 Well that is all for now! I hope to post again before my trip, but if not, I will deffinitly be posting some photos from the trip when I get back!!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Achilles Tendinitis :-(

   Well on Thursday I went to go and do my couch to 5k, and it did not go all that well... I was supposed to walk 5 minutes Jog 6 minutes, and then walk another 5 minutes, what I actually got done was walked 5 minutes, jogged a grand total of 4 and a half minutes of broken up chunks and then I walked to the car and went home, where I proceeded to keep my foot on ice almost all day! My Achilles tendon was killing me.
   I had a doctors appointment on Friday, and thought I would get him to look at my ankle, and see if I can continue my couch to 5k, and see what I should be doing for the pain. My doctor confirmed that I do have Achilles tendinitis, and that until it heels completely, I am supposed to stay off of it as much as possible, and definitely no running/jogging. He showed me some stretches that I should be doing, and gave me some anti-inflammatory cream to rub into my ankle. I am slowly noticing a difference, and my ankle is slowly starting to feel better, but I am feeling really lazy, and I just want to do my couch to 5k, but now it looks like I am going to have to back track a little when I start up again!

   I am determined however to find some sort of exercise that I can do to stay active well I am injured!

   Well that is all there is for now! I should be updating in the next day or two.

Take Care everyone!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Okay, so please bare with me as I am trying to do some blog editing, and so, you may notice it changing frequently over the next day or two. Although I do assure you that, it will not keep changing forever!!

I will post a work-out update either later tonight, or possibly tomorrow some time!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


   I knew this was going to well! I was doing all my stuff, and keeping on track, with little to no pain, and my knee has not bothered me yet with the jogging. I guess when I thought this, I spoke to soon. It now looks like I have Achilles Tendinitis.
   I first noticed last night while making dinner, that my Achilles tendon area was kind of stiff and sore, and this had never bothered me before, so naturally I did what most people do these days, finished dinner, and looked up my pain on the internet, and I have all the same symptoms of it. This sucks! So today has/will be spend resting, wrapping, elevating, and icing my foot and ankle.
   I think that I will still do my couch to 5k tomorrow, but I will be paying attention, to see if my ankle really starts to hurt, and I hope that it does not, because I do not want to fall behind on this.

   Other then that, just a little update on my calorie counting and junk food cut back, I know today is only my second day, but yesterday I thought I did a great job. That was until Jeff mentioned to count what I had been drinking... yeah, those three water bottle's full of ice tea/lemon aide mix equaled about 900 calories YIKES! Today I am doing better, but for some reason, really wanting a couple of glasses of my ice tea... hmm I wonder why, maybe because it is actually horrible for me haha.On the bright side though, I love dill pickles, and they are only worth 10 calories each, so I can almost pig out on them, I will just smell really garlicy/dilly after!

   Well that is all for today.

   Take Care!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Another week of couch to 5k done!!

I am now running for 5 minutes, which I think is awesome!! Now I get my two rest days in a row, and then start with jogging for 6 minutes. I am really excited about this still, and I am so proud of myself for keeping up with it!

I have now come to the point, where if I have a rest day, and do not do any sort of work out, I feel outright lazy, and have to do something, even if it is just a 15 minute walk to Mac's and back. I actually felt guilty today because I had a milk shake that was over 600 calories, but I guess the guilt was a good thing since I proceeded to hop on the elliptical machine, and go at that for basically an hour.

I am definitely starting to feel the difference. For example, a month ago I would not have been able to jog for 5 minutes, or even 3 minutes to be truthful, and being on the elliptical for more then 15 minutes at home, was like torture, I would be bored, and my legs would hurt, and I would be out of breath, but I can do it now!!!!

I am thinking to help the weight loss a little bit, I am going to start counting my calories. Now I am not meaning being all hardcore and thinking "Oh, I cant have that... it will take me 10 calories over my daily limit." although I do want to stay within my daily limit (which happens to be 1414), or well at least close to it.
I also think, that to challenge myself a little bit, I am going to cut down on my sweets, and maybe treat myself to something like one chocolate bar a week, or something like that. This will also include such things as pop, chips, baked goods :S and things like that!!

Well I think that I am going to try to get my hubby to rub my shoulders, and then off to bed I go!

Good night everyone!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Getting a little easier!

   I was a little worried with having two rest days in a row, that I would not want to do my couch to 5k work out yesterday, but I did it, and it really was not that difficult! Maybe it was the fact the I am getting better, or it could have been that I did it on a totally flat oval track that has even terrain, but I like to think that it was because I am getting better at it!! I actually came to 2 minutes and 47 seconds as I was passing my water bottle, and instead of thinking "oh it is just a few seconds, it wont matter if I stop now". I actually ran past it and then turned around and came back to make a full 3 minutes of jogging!!! I was so excited, that I actually threw my arms up in the air... thankfully there was no one else around haha! I am totally looking forward to it tomorrow when I move up to the 5 min walk 4 min jog and second 5 min walk!!

   As for my 5k walk with Jeff, we have been slacking on that, Jeff has been really worn out after work most of this week, but we shall start fresh next week... armed with bug repellent!

   Well I should be off now, my father in-law should be here soon to stay the night!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mosquito Bites Bite!

   I have decided that maybe updating every single day may be a little much, so I think that I will maybe update every other day or so.

   On Monday I went and did my couch to 5k almost first thing in the morning (right after I dropped Jeff off at the train), and I started noticing that the mosquitoes were starting to come out :( this really sucks since well no one really likes these nasty little creatures to start with, and it is worse for me since I am allergic to them. Well my couch to 5k was alright, only 5 bites.
Jeff came home from work, and about an hour and a half later we went for our walk, and it was alright, not really any mosquitoes to mention, till we go to the last km or so, and well it is a shady area with a little bit of a creek (if you can classify that small of a stream a creek) we were both bitten probably about 10 times each.

   Onto my rest day. My dad and I decided to go fishing at this place known as Suicide Creek. Gorgeous mini river (or so I call it) the water was crystal clear, nice and cool, not to strong to swim in, just beautiful... till the mosquitoes notice that you are there. From this encounter alone, I got to many bites to count, my legs were swollen and the one leg kept going into spasms all evening, it was so bad it hurt to stand! I am a little better today, still very itchy, and covered in welts, but my legs are feeling a little better, not as much pain. So I think that we may skip our walk tonight, and do it tomorrow instead so that I can still do my couch to 5k in the morning tomorrow!

   Well that is about all for now! Off I go to clean the house, and decided if I should maybe take out shares in the mosquito repellent companies! hehe  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Better then Friday, but not as good as yesterday!

   I wasn't completely lazy today! I went and walked around the mall today for a little bit, trying to find a good priced hydration belt, and felt like the $40 for a belt that only hold two little 7oz bottles was kind of over priced, but we will see how I feel in a week or so when I want one even more haha.

   When I got home I decided to try to do a workout outside. That workout lasted all of 5 minutes. It was way to hot out there to continue, so I put it off till it cooled off a bit outside, and then did a 20ish minute workout around 7:30 in the evening, it was a little cooler, but I never thought of the mosquitoes and their quest to drain my blood!
   I thought of trying a new workout called "5-4-3-2-1 minute workout" but found that I have to alter it too much as of right now for it to be real effective, maybe in about a month or so it will be a little easier! 

   Tomorrow should be much more productive. I have my couch to 5k to do, and then after Jeff gets home, we plan on doing our walk again. I just hope that LJ does not decide to go psycho over the couple of dogs in their own yards again.

   Well that is it for today... nothing exciting, just a basic update! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

walking 5k

Just for starters, I think I made up for yesterday today!

When I got up this morning, I thought to myself "before you do anything else, go do couch to 5k" and so I told Jeff what my plan was, and he decided to come with me and just walk the track whil I did my thing! So I did my 5 min. walk 2 min. jog and second 5 min walk, and it may only be the second time that I did it, but it already seemed easier!

We decided to go out for a bit after that and when we came home I just felt kind of bored and wasn't to sure what to do, after about an hour or so of being a couch potato, Jeff and I started to look on google maps to make a good route for when I can finally jog for 5k straight. Well we found a good one, and to my surprise, Jeff suggested that we walk that route every other day or so, just for something to do and to keep us both active, and I thought "that sounds great" and I guess another part of me(the part that controls my mouth) said "that sounds so great, that we should go walk it right now". Well I guess that same part of Jeff agreed! Off we went, the two of us and LJ. It went really well and actually kind of fast, two little run ins with dogs behind fences that were apparently a threat to LJ (as far as he was concerned) but nothing two exciting after that. It took us just a couple of minutes longer than an hour, but we did it, and it was actually kind of fun!

Well that is my update for today! Couch to 5k in the morning and then a 5k walk in the evening, not too shabby I think!

Now I am off to take a nice cool shower and then veg out on the couch!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Lazy :s

Okay, so I did not really exercise today, I might later tonight but so far nothing! I did however drive from Mission to Langley, from Langley to Surrey, from Surrey back thru Langley and back back home to Mission, and then sat outside in the 30ยบ weather sweating my bun off while watching my Dad put the gas tank back on my moms SUV. So really in a round about not reallyish way I did something that made me sweat.
   Hopefully tonight I will get something in, if not, then I will drag the hubby out for another day of couch to 5k... I have a feeling that he may just watch, or possibly take part in the walking.

So yeah, not really much to report today, other then I am just being, plain out lazy on this nice warm summer Friday!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I did it!!!

So I did it! I went out and exercise today, now I know, that isn't so exciting, what I am happy about is the exercise that I did, and I did it without quitting in the middle of it!

I started my couch to 5k today, and though day one sounds like nothing (walk 5min. jog 2min. walk 5 min.) it is a lot more difficult then it seems, but I did it, and that is all that matters to me! Although I think that next time I will do it at a different track! See we have this neat little track near our house, it is not your typical running track, its dirt and kind of zig-zagged but it also has a few uphill spots, and the real nice thing about it, is that there is a nice amount of shade as well, but I think that I will go to the plain gravel track behind the high school next time and suffer in the sun!

Now I know that 12 minutes of exercise in a day really is not much, but like I mentioned last night, I am still trying to kick the tail end of this flu, and doing the couch to 5 k really kicked my butt today, and I have apparently not fully recovered from doing the relay for life about 3 weeks ago, I found this out while walking the little up hill stretch of the track. Next year I will be ready for the relay, and I will not be bed ridden the whole next day due to sore muscles, I mean I did it with my best friend and her "hubby" and I could hardly move the next day, they however caught up on their sleep and while I was barely making it through Costco (the floor there looked really comfy at that time), they went and did the fathers day walk for prostate cancer research (or something like that).

So long story short: Day one done!!!

Also here is the thing for Couch to 5k if anyone is interested!! 

Before photos

Well here I am with my before photos.... I  really can not believe that I am going to post these for the world to see, but that is alright, because I am working on changing it!

So without further ado, here are the photos... (be warned, they are not pretty) (also please excuse my dirty mirror)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hi there,

   Lets get started by me letting you know a little about me and why I decided to start this blog!

   So my name is Roberta, I am 24 years old,  I have been married to my wonderful hubby Jeff for going on three years this upcoming September. My husband and I have two awesome pets (or furry children as I like to call them) A lop-eared bunny named George(3 years old) and a Siberian Husky/Malamute (with some German Sheppard in there as well) named LJ (1 & 1/2 years old) and yes the bunny and the dog get along pretty well, except for for the occasional brotherly spat...(yes that is correct, I call them brothers). 

   My hobbies/interests include: Baking(you will see why this is a problem later), photography, all sorts of crafts, spending as much time with my little "niece" Sophia and my best friend (Sophia's mommy) Rachel as I possibly can!

   Now this is why I have created this blog (and why baking is a problem): I have been thinking lately about my health. Mainly about my current physical condition and my fitness level! I am 24 years old, I have high cholesterol, low iron, hypothyroidism, patella femoral pain syndrome(severe knee pain), and suffer from really bad anxiety and panic attacks. I am also currently 185lbs and 5'4" (approx).

   I need to do something about this. I need to work on my weight, this would help pretty much all my problems sort themselves out (for the most part anyways). Now I have no problem with exercise, I just can not seem to motivate myself, and that is because I do not have anyone or anything to hold me accountable, and so this is where this blog will come in! I am going to log my progress, and what I have been doing to get on track and keeping on track. 

   I am planning on starting tomorrow(as it is 11pm right now), but might have to put off fully starting till Monday, now I know that this sounds like procrastination, but I have a bit of a flu still lingering, and I want to make sure I kick that first! 

   So check in later to see a few things, like my very first official "Before" photo, and the start of my new journey! I plan on doing a weight update once a month and a photo update every two months!