LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, July 30, 2012

lost track off time...

Oops... I honestly meant to post something a day or two after my last post, but totally lost track of my days!

Well I think that I am going to have to start almost all over again with my couch to 5k... I am still bearly able to bear weight on my ankle, I think I have over done it with trying to help with things around home, for instance, we are putting a roof over the deck, and so I have been painting a lot of lumber for that. Also, there is no good way to bend or squat when you have Achilles tendonitis, and it is so simple to not even think of it before you have squatted to far to pick something up!

I am really disappointed that I have been basically out of commission workout wise for just over a week now, but I am totally not willing to rupture or tear my Achilles tendon... nope don't want to go there! So my plans for 90% of this week are to rest my ankle and not continue to over do it any more.

This upcoming weekend I am going to be going on a 4x4ing trip with my dad and a couple of his friends... this should be interesting! I have been told that there may be swimming included on this trip, and possibly in some hot springs, well I love swimming (but deathly afraid of water... I know weird right) and I have never experienced hot springs but ave always wanted to... this is my #1 reason I am not being dragged on this trip against my will haha! So the swimming might help my ankle and get me back into workout mode or something! I know I am anxious to start my couch to 5k again... I actually really miss it!!!

 Well that is all for now! I hope to post again before my trip, but if not, I will deffinitly be posting some photos from the trip when I get back!!


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