LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I did it!!!

So I did it! I went out and exercise today, now I know, that isn't so exciting, what I am happy about is the exercise that I did, and I did it without quitting in the middle of it!

I started my couch to 5k today, and though day one sounds like nothing (walk 5min. jog 2min. walk 5 min.) it is a lot more difficult then it seems, but I did it, and that is all that matters to me! Although I think that next time I will do it at a different track! See we have this neat little track near our house, it is not your typical running track, its dirt and kind of zig-zagged but it also has a few uphill spots, and the real nice thing about it, is that there is a nice amount of shade as well, but I think that I will go to the plain gravel track behind the high school next time and suffer in the sun!

Now I know that 12 minutes of exercise in a day really is not much, but like I mentioned last night, I am still trying to kick the tail end of this flu, and doing the couch to 5 k really kicked my butt today, and I have apparently not fully recovered from doing the relay for life about 3 weeks ago, I found this out while walking the little up hill stretch of the track. Next year I will be ready for the relay, and I will not be bed ridden the whole next day due to sore muscles, I mean I did it with my best friend and her "hubby" and I could hardly move the next day, they however caught up on their sleep and while I was barely making it through Costco (the floor there looked really comfy at that time), they went and did the fathers day walk for prostate cancer research (or something like that).

So long story short: Day one done!!!

Also here is the thing for Couch to 5k if anyone is interested!! 


  1. Jeff and I tried one something like this about a year ago, but it was more difficult, I think it may have actually been couch to 10k, and I did not even make it through the first day of it, I had to stop in the middle of it, but like I said, it was more difficult and this one was not to bad to tell you the truth!
